Affordable handmade jewelries, 

also offers options for customized jewelries. 

Why Choose Us?

Sush Marigold helps everyone feel successful, by encouraging those  to spend less on things they love and and need.  We sell good accessories for affordable price, giving our customers the best of handmade jewelries.  Our product can make you feel happy with very less spending. We can also customizes the Jewells if possible in our hands. we offer free shipping in Christchurch New Zealand.

About Us

Susmita & Hira


 We love creating and exploring new ideas. We have always been optimistic about life and equality.  Sush Marigold Was inspired by the  flower we all grew up with.  Sush represents the initial of each member's first name and Marigold is the flower that we would like to represent as.  We also own a event, decorating and organizing business, alongside. We are hoping to grow  and connect to our customer on personal level so we can serve the best of best products and services.